ESK Awards Best Staff on Labour Day

ESK Awards Best Staff on Labour Day

On Tuesday 1st May 2018, during the Labour Day Celebrations at Chez John restaurant in Kiyovu, the Board Chairman of PTA (Parents Teachers Association) of Ecole Secondaire Kanombe (ESK) Mr. Celestin Nyamutamba alongside other members of the Board, the Headmaster Mr. Martin MASABO and other senior members of ESK Administration awarded the best performing staff, including both Teachers and Support staff.

The awards were entirely based on good performance. Best performers walked away smiling all the way to the bank, having pocketed paycheques of varying amounts depending on the discipline

Rwanda joined the rest of the world in International Labour Day celebrations. This year’s theme is “Promoting employment through providing start-up capital to the unemployed”.

ESK recognized staff who registered outstanding performance during the previous year.

Through the Teachers Award Scheme, PTA Board resolved that staff whose students score and B at A level and Distinctions at O level, are awarded accordingly in terms of cash. The purpose is to encourage good performance amongst teaching staff. Teachers of Entrepreneurship and Economics emerged the best overall and earned 242,000F. Others too earned accordingly. The least was computer science who earned only 500F.

Best teachers and supporting staff recognized and awarded certificates of appreciation along 10,000Rwf each prize money.

Speaking on behalf of teachers, Mr. Jean Paul Ndacyayisenga said that Labour Day is a day of reflection. He thanked ESK administration for the support and guidance. “Administration gives guidance and proper orientation. As teachers we endeavour to deliver with the minimum resources available to ensure best students outcomes possible”

He said that ESK Teachers now have the opportunity to train students on patriotism once a week, a new initiative to supplement the curriculum.

On his part, Mr. Pangras Kalisa, the Head of Security at ESK, speaking on behalf of support staff said that support staff complement students learning significantly in terms ensuring proper security and hygiene at the school.

He requested PTA Board to look into improving support staff remuneration match the ever increasing cost of living on the market.

Giving a detailed explanation about the school academic performance last academic year, the Director of Studies, Mrs. Marie Basebanyakwinshi said that teaching is at the core of Rwanda’s socioeconomic development.

She said academic performance was exceptional last academic year, as results indicate.

“O level performance was extremely good. No registered failures. Teachers of O level did a great job given the workload they have. The staff rewarding scheme has increasingly benefited more and more staff. The number of Failures (Fs) has significantly reduced. The target is to elimination of Fs and Es” he remarked.

In regards building staff capacity, Marie said that Administration has earmarked the budget but needs to be used optimally.

“I urge teachers to take advantage of the budget by taking up short training courses, especially in Information technology to counter the challenges of implementing the smart classroom concept”

She announced that Administration plans to start using standard answer sheet booklets like the ones used in national exams to minimize students’ exam multi-practices.

There was a moment to open to all staff to share views and experiences.
Toms Byangire Rwigamba, the head of promotion at A Level, in his remarks said that amidst all the challenges of teaching, fellow teachers are expected sacrifice because teaching is a passion. “No pay can match the sacrifice teachers endure other than the students excelling”. He urged fellow teachers to consider students they teach as their own children to prepare them for a better but challenging tomorrow.

“Teachers need to get closer to students so they can understand their challenges. It is only then that we can offer suitable solutions. Engage students with more activities so as to better their performance”, he counselled.

On his part, Christian Rumazi the head of O level promotion, he attributed the excellent performance last year to concerted efforts, involving regularly engaging parents of weak students.

He noted that discipline has generally improved...kudos to the Director in Charge of Discipline

Mr Masabo, the headmaster thanked all staff ; teaching and support staff for their dedication. “It’s quite encouraging that you consider yourselves as parents of our students. This will definitely improve discipline and performance as a whole”. He called for more cooperation between staff and administration at ESK.

Tackling disparities between best performing and least performing students and staff, Mr Masabo called for cooperation. “As teachers, we are squarely responsible for all learners’ academic success regardless of their individual capacities. Every student is entitled to pass”

He urged O level teachers to orient students towards subjects that will enable them to get good subject combinations at A level.
Finally, the Chairman Board PTA, Celestin

Speaking on behalf of Parents....thanked staff for the school performance
As PTA,,,,observes better cooperation among staff compared to some years ago.
Team spirit and information sharing key to success ....
As parents, their expectation is good results of students..

Discipline is core to time, the in charge of discipline ought to be rewarded if there is evident improvement in discipline.
Note , bearing in mind that students have many distractions along the way....particularly day scholars

As parents they will continue to cooperate with the school to ensure good discipline among students

As teachers,Malays avoid discrimination among students ...whether rich or poor, wise or unwise. Teachers are responsible for the success of all students in equal propotion.

Requests to Parents ....organize parents to visit the school during this term to see the patriotism training program. Agreed to engage fellow parents to visit before the terms ends

Requests for salary increase for support staff...will look into the request to assess the possibility , based on the available resources and circumstances

The loyalty or good will witnessed among former students is an indication of quality teaching at ESK

Urged the administration to work on strengthening the ESK Alumni

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